ESS Expo

Event Travel CO2 Emissions Calculator

In what capacity you will be attending the event

Car Travel

If your travel uses personal or car rentals, please select them below.

Diesel: Small up to 1.7 litre; Medium 1.7-2.0 litre; Large 2.0+ litre 
Petrol: Small up to 1.4 litre; Medium 1.4-2.0 litre; Large 2.0+ litre

Other Modes of Travel

For all other modes of ground transport, for example taxi to the airport or train from airport to hotel, select them below.
Please also include your local daily travel, if appropriate, to and from home or the event/hotel.


If your trip requires any flights, please enter details below.

Start typing the first 3 letters of the airport or city and then select from the list as it appears.
Then select the type of flight and class. Once airports are selected the miles will be calculated automatically and you have the option to check the “return” flight box.
If airport selections do not appear, this may be due to a poor internet connection, but you can still manually type in the flight air miles directly into the value field.
For any flights that involve a hub please enter each leg of the journey separately.


If your trip includes any hotel stays, please select them below. Where background data exists you may also be able to select a star rating as appropriate. If that option is not available the average data set for that country will be applied.

If the country you are travelling to is not available, please select what you believe is the closest appropriate equivalent.


On a scale of 1-10 how important is it to you that the events and exhibitions you attend are taking sustainability seriously and are making efforts to reduce their overall carbon emissions?

Carbon reductions

In order to reduce the carbon footprint of future events would you be prepared to change or compromise:

Swap car for public transport (if you have no alternative travel options tick No)

Less meat and more plant based options

Less physical materials such as corporate give aways, brochures, business cards etc

Do you or your company offset the carbon emissions of your travel?

Would you consider offsetting future events travel?

By making this submission I agree to the terms and conditions of use, and to allow Green Circle Solutions to store the above information for the purpose of calculating CO2 emissions.
View terms and conditions

Once you’ve ticked the acknowledgement box, take a look at your results before hitting the submit button.

Based on previous years travel data we estimate the average visitor’s travel emissions are around 75kgCO2e.

Please note that your email address is used to send you your unique link in the case that you need to amend the details you have provided.

We will never share your email address with any third parties for marketing purposes and likewise will not use your email address to directly market to you.

Methodology Note:
- Methodology broadly aligns with the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative
- Flight emissions include radiative forcing.
- All other travel includes well to tank emissions.

Before you hit “Save”, scroll down to view your results.
You will also see the results on submission.

Green Circle Solutions

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